Akamu Kealoha (E94)
Red Malachite -
Stone of Gratitude & Protection – Helps one return to their purpose & reason for being. A powerful cleanser for the emotional body, releasing past-life or childhood trauma. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, drawing out deep feelings & psychosomatic causes, breaking unwanted ties & outworn patterns. It teaches to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts & feelings. This important protection stone absorbs negative energies & pollutants from the environment & body, cleaning up electromagnetic smog & radiation.
BENEFICIAL FOR: Transformation, psychosexual problems, inhibitions, rebirthing, shyness, detoxifying liver & gallbladder, stress, insomnia, allergies, eyes, circulatory diseases, childbirth, cramps, menstrual problems, labor, female sexual organs, blood pressure, vertigo, DNA (Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn)
Yellow Opal -
Inspires joy, open-mindedness, creativity, authenticity, financial prowess. Enhances your cosmic & metaphysical visions. It’s a karmic stone that teaches you what you put out comes back. It brings up characteristics to the surface for transformation. To use Opal for love, passion, desire or seduction, you must be centered. It heals the earth’s energy field, repairing depletions & reenergizing & stabilizing the grid. No direct sunlight for long periods of time
BENEFICIAL FOR: Self-worth, strengthening the will to live, intuition, fear, loyalty, spontaneity, female hormones, menopause, Parkinson’s, infections, fevers, memory, purifying blood & kidneys, regulating insulin, childbirth, PMS, eyes, ears, earth healing, life-threatening illnesses (Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius; Birthstone: Libra, Scorpio)
Glass Beads
Gold Filled