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Odamus (N63)

Odamus (N63)

Dragon's Blood Jasper pendant -
Comprised of green Epidote & red Piemontite. A stone of personal power, it imbues your heart with love, courage, and power helping you become a better version of yourself.. Promotes happiness, optimism & inner wisdom. Assists with courage & strength when contemplating life changes. Reminds you to focus on the beauty of life instead of grief or self-pity. Works well with all chakras.
BENEFICIAL FOR: fertility, multiple sclerosis, back pain relief, immune system, cold, flu, spleen, stomach, grief, loss, courage, creativity, emotional strength, stability, happiness, passion, perseverance, Kundalini energy, personal empowerment, transition (Zodiac: Gemini, Leo, Virgo)

Tiger's Eye -
Symbolizes prosperity & encourages right use of power. It balances your needs with those of others, finding solutions. A protective stone when it comes to physical harm, business matters, health issues & investments. Heals mental disorders, issues of self-worth, self-criticism & blocked creativity. Encourages partnership & connection with lovebirds. BENEFICIAL FOR: Brain hemisphere integration, perception, internal conflicts, pride, willfulness, emotional balance, yin-yang, fatigue, hepatitis, depression, eyes, night vision, throat, reproductive organs, constrictions, broken bones
(Zodiac: Leo, Capricorn)

Malachite -
Stone of Protection – powerful cleanser for the emotional body, releasing past-life or childhood trauma. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, drawing out deep feelings & psychosomatic causes, breaking unwanted ties & outworn patterns. It teaches to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts & feelings. This important protection stone absorbs negative energies & pollutants from the environment & body, cleaning up electromagnetic smog & radiation.
BENEFICIAL FOR: Transformation, psychosexual problems, inhibitions, rebirthing, shyness, detoxifying liver & gallbladder, stress, insomnia, allergies, eyes, circulatory diseases, childbirth, cramps, menstrual problems, labor, female sexual organs, blood pressure, vertigo, DNA (Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn)

Lava Stone -
This Stone emulates a phoenix rising from the ashes. It's a stone of rebirth, balance, courage & strength. Ignites & rekindles passion in your spirit. Dispels anger, fear, & negativity. Burns remnants of the past that hold you back facilitating new beginnings. Relieves homesickness helping travelers to still feel connected to home. Helps you be mindful of what you say in social settings. Encourages positive changes, mental stability & bouncing back. Slows one down, eliminating distracting chaotic thoughts providing a clean slate. Absorbs essential oils that can be used for meditation or its metaphysical properties
BENEFICIAL FOR: good for the feet, bunions, corns, sore feet, toes, verruca, energy balance, depression, vitality, stress reliever, transformation, rebirth, emotional balance, mental stability, grounding (Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio)