Cherry Blossom (E119)
Garnet -
Powerful personal protection stone that warns off danger. Inspires love & devotion. Helps you become more open to try new things. Stimulates kundalini energy. Has strong links to the pituitary gland helping expand awareness. Great for overcoming trauma & subconscious sabotage.
BENEFICIAL FOR: Attracting love, dreaming, blood diseases, regenerating the body, metabolism, spinal & cellular disorders, blood, heart, lungs, regeneration of DNA, assimilation of minerals/vitamins (Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius; Birthstone: Capricorn, Aquarius)
Pink Fresh Water Pearls -
A gem of wisdom, nurture, protection & security. It gifts the wearer inner confidence & serenity. Has a very calming powerful effect that enables one to tackle any challenges with ease & grace. Also brings tranquility to chaos. Helpful in cultivating healthy self-love. Mother of Pearl is helpful in protecting children & nurturing the child in the womb.
BENEFICIAL FOR: Balancing auric & etheric body, digestive tract disorders, skin complaints, severe scarring, acne, rosacea, fertility, child birth, chronic bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, liver, urinary system, kidneys, heart, hormones, digestive tract disorders, muscular system conditions (Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius;
Birthstone: Gemini, Cancer)
Antique brass wire & earhooks