Emerald Studs
Known as the "Stone of Successful Love", emerald brings domestic bliss & loyalty. It enhances unity, unconditional love & partnership, as well as promotes friendship. It's a life affirming stone with great integrity. Great for enhancing mental equilibrium & meta-physical abilities. Has been used to foretell the future. Claims to tell if someone is unfaithful by changing color. DO NOT WEAR CONSTANTLY, can overstimulate.
Claustrophobia, mental clarity,
group co-operation, memory, discernment, eloquent expression, patience, osteoporosis, recovery after infectious illness, detoxification, sinuses, lungs, heart, spine, eyes, muscles, vision, rheumatism, diabetes, epilepsy
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Birthstone: Taurus, Gemini
Color & sizes may vary from 6 - 8 mm (medium), 10 - 12 mm (large)
Promo code STUD35 for $5 off 2 pair