Kinichanoh (N52)
Chinese Turquoise
A stone that bridges earth and heaven. It brings good fortune & peace. A protective stone that defends against injury, outside influences, or atmospheric pollutants. Promotes spiritual attunement & enhancing communication with the physical & spiritual worlds. An efficient healer of the spirit & well-being of the body. A powerful energy conduit, it releases old vows, inhibitions & prohibitions. Releases martyred attitude or self-sabotage. BENEFICIAL FOR: Friendship, loyalty, self-realization, mood swings, romantic love, purification, electromagnetic smog, exhaustion, depression, panic attack, shame, guilt, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, meridians of the body, immune system, eyes, gout, rheumatism, stomach, cramp, pain, sore throat (Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces; Birthstone: Sagittarius, Capricorn)
Variscite -
A stone for practitioners of all types. An excellent stone for caregivers and those who are ill with disease & helps both bring unconditional love to the situation. Brings insight into the cause of disease and reframing situations. Moves one out of deep despair and into a position of trust in the universe. Removes pretense, enables you to show yourself to the world exactly how you are. Supports sobriety yet encourages light-hearted fun. BENEFICIAL FOR: chronic fatigue, nervousness, clear thinking, perception, peaceful sleep, postoperative conditions, clearing anesthetics, depleted energy reserves, nervous system, abdominal distension, constricted blood flow, elasticity of veins and skin, over-acidification, gout, gastritis, ulcers, rheumatism, male impotence, cramp (Zodiac: Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini)